Everybody has heard of Italian fashion. This means that many travelers worry about what they should pack for their trip.
It’s the perfect outfit for spring in Italy: a light jacket, bright pants and big shades. (Photo by Nicoletta Reggio, Italian fashion blog Scent of Obsession.
The good news is that you don’t need to dress like an Italian. It is important to remember to wear what you feel most comfortable in. It’s not what Italians wear all the time, but it’s okay to be comfortable.
Many travelers want to look like locals while traveling. It’s a way to “blend-in” and show a little more. But, you will still be able to be identified by your hand gestures, makeup, or makeup before you open your mouth. We love the idea that you can travel and immerse yourself in cultural life. Fashion is an integral part of Italian culture. What could be more fun than cultural immersion that involves dressing like the locals?
6 Reasons Why We Love Italy in Spring
Great spring jacket in Scent Of Obsession‘s NicolettaReggio
These are some tips and tricks to help you dress like an Italian.
This is your list of things to watch out for in spring. You’ll soon be strolling in style through the chic Brera area on our Milan In a Day tour!
For women, a light jacket or trench coat.
Italians won’t reach out for a sweatshirt or parka when the air is still crisp. Layering is the key. Then, they add a stylish exterior. It is a chic jacket, or trench coat, for stylish Italian women. ).
Italian fashion for men often includes a well-tailored jacket, even if it’s casual. (Photo: bluumwezi on Flickr).
For men, a well-tailored jacket
It’s not necessary to go to work or have a fancy party to wear a jacket. You can pair it with jeans, white pants or beige trousers, or even leather shoes, and you are ready to go to lunch or the museum. Don’t be surprised to be mistaken for an Italian when you’re there.
These are essential, even if you don’t mind dressing like the locals. Protect your eyes from the sun in spring by wearing shades. It’s no secret that the Italians love designer sunglasses. But any frame can help you blend in as long as it isn’t too small. It’s also okay to be quirky. For inspiration, just take a look at these sunglasses worn by Eleonora Cartisi, an Italian fashion blogger and shop owner.
img alt=”Don’t leave home without your sunglasses!” aria-describedby=”caption-attachment-3873″ class=”wp-image-3873″ height=”307″ loading=”lazy” src=”https://italso.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Ekoasblog-Sept-2011.jpeg” width=”461″/>
Do not leave your home without them
Red pants are a common sight in Italy’s streets!
Pants in fun colors, such as green, red or pink (yes, even for men!)
It is not common for Italians to wear basic blue jeans as often as their counterparts in other countries. It’s not because women wear dresses all the time, while men are more likely to wear suits. However, when they do put on pants, it’s rarely khakis or basic jeans. Pants come in a variety of colors. Yes, this is true for both men and women. In honor of spring, bring some color to your life and pack a pair bright pants in your bag.
Remember that Europe is not a place where baggy is acceptable. This applies to both men and women.
Leather shoes are a great way to blend in if you want to really stand out. (Photo: Xelcise on Flickr)
Shoes in leather or suede
The basic shoe doesn’t change with the seasons, but the type of shoe does. The stereotype that Italians wear leather shoes year-round is true. In spring for women, this can be heels or flats. You can find amazing leather shoes at a more affordable price in one of Italy’s major outlet malls.
For women, jewelry
Italian women accessorize. If you want to be mistaken as one, pay attention to the details. In the past year, chunky bracelets, bib necklaces, and delicate necklaces were all in fashion. You can wear whatever jewelry you like, but you must have something if you want your look to be Italian.
Scarves for both men and women
Layering is key to spring in Italy, both for fashion and comfort. Scarves are great for travelers. They can spice up outfits you have worn three times in a row, and can be carried around with you when it gets colder or the sun goes down.
Scarves are even more useful in Italy because it is considered disrespectful and often downright prohibited to enter a church without covering your shoulders. Although it’s unlikely that you will be wearing sleevesless tops in spring, you should bring a scarf so you don’t miss the chance to enter any churches.
Scarves are in for both men & women, and they’re very fashionable. A scarf on a man is the best way to look European!
This Italian woman has everything: a cute scarf, a big coat, and a large handbag (photo taken from Street Fashion Blog Think Runway).
A stylish handbag for women or a “man bag” for men.
A bulky backpack or fanny pack is the biggest sign that you are a traveler. You can trade your backpack for a large handbag. A big bag can hold twice as many items as a small one. We carry two lenses on our DSLR, as well as a wallet and sunglasses case. You should make sure it has a safe way to close it.
Men who want to travel locally will also be able to use a bag. Many Italians carry messenger bags, which Americans sometimes refer to as a “man purse”. Briefcases or messenger bags. This is especially true when you consider how difficult it is to transport your stuff on a motorino. If you have ever dreamed of trying one, it is worth the trip to Italy. We promise that not a single person will blink an eye.
Check out the Winter and Fall edition in this post!